Author Interview: 06 - Six de los Reyes

Interview 06 – Six de los Reyes (author, “Just for the Record”)

#RomanceClass Podcast
Season One
Interview 06 – Six de los Reyes (author, “Just for the Record”)

(YouTube video will be up soon. In the meantime, you can stream the audio by clicking on the play icon above, or subscribing to the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast player.)

We interview Ms. Six de los Reyes, the author of the romance book Just for the Record, an excerpt of which is up on our #RomanceClass podcast.

Six de los Reyes is an awkward kamote who writes better than she talks. She wrote Just for the Record and After the Moment.

Contact author Six de los Reyes:
Twitter: @sixdlr
Facebook: @sixdelosreyes

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