The Kitchen When It Sizzles by Chrissie Peria

Episode 09 – The Kitchen When It Sizzles by Chrissie Peria

#RomanceClass Podcast
Season One
Episode 09 – The Kitchen When It Sizzles by Chrissie Peria

#romanceclass podcast Episode 9: The Kitchen When It Sizzles

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In this episode:
Rachel Coates is Olivia
Gio Gahol is Nate

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Book description:
[yellow_box]Olivia Nadal is an almost perfect girl with an almost perfect life. She has stunning good looks, an exciting job that pays well, men lining up to date her, and a homey little condo she calls her own. The only thing keeping her from perfection is her utter inability to cook.

Enter Nate Olivarez, a hotshot chef who’s filling in for Olivia’s cooking instructor. Sparks fly when they meet, but a fling with the visiting hottie is the last thing Olivia needs. But as things keep heating up in the kitchen, she can’t help but wonder. Can things work out between her and Nate? Or is the sizzle all set to fizzle?[/yellow_box]

Contact author Chrissie Peria
Twitter: @chrissieperia
Facebook: Author Page

Contact the actors
Gio Gahol
Rachel Coates

#romanceclass podcast produced by Tania Arpa and Mina V. Esguerra.

Recorded live at The Filipino Readercon, De La Salle University, November 2015.

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